Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Facts about Italy: Italian phrases

Facts about Italy part 12:
Italian is the language of some 70 Million people throughout the world today. It not only has its roots in Italy, but also in Switzerland and naturally in the USA.
Learn some useful Italian phrases:

si - yes no - no
per favore - please (when asking for something)
per piacere - please (when asking for something)
prego - please (when asking someone to do something or giving them something)
grazie - thanks
buongiorno - good morning, good afternoon (until 3pm)
buonasera - good afternoon (from 3pm), good evening
buonanotte - good night
benvenuti - welcome
ciao - goodbye
arrivederci - goodbye
ci vediamo! - see you
buona giornata! - have a nice day!
buona serata! - have a nice evening!
scusi - excuse me; sorry
parli inglese? - do you speak English?
non parlo italiano - I don't speak Italian
non ho capito - I don't understand
mi scusi, dov'è il bagno? - excuse me, where is the toilet?
destra - right
sinistra - left

More facts about Italy tomorrow........Bye

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