Monday, May 26, 2008

Facts about Italy: Rome Useful Information

Facts about Italy presents Rome Useful Information

This time we'll present some useful tips for those of you who are planning to vist the enternal city of Rome.

City original name: Roma
Rome Population: 2 547 000 - more than 4 million in whole metropolitan area
Currency: Euro
Phone code: +39 06 xxx....
Museums: Rome has around 50 museums (the most famous are the following Vaticano Museum, The Barracco Museum, National Museum, Coloseo, Capitolino, Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano, Palazzo Venezia, Palestrina, Palazzo delle Belle Arti, Museo Napoleonico)

Theaters: 13 (Teatro Sistina, Teatro Quirino, Teatro Valle...)
Transport from the airport: By taxi - around 40 euros, By Bus via Termini Station - 9/15 euros bus line works all night long. By train - Leonardo Express to Termini station - 9,50 euros.
Public transportation within Rome: Buses, Underground, rail, trams
Public transportation ticket prices: Single ticket - 1 euro, day ticket - 4 euros, 3 day ticket - 11 euros, week ticket - 16 euros


Monday, May 19, 2008

Facts about Italy: Language Camps in Italy

Facts about Italy prsents Language Camps in Italy
Since US Dollar/Euro exchange rate is rapidly falling more and more Americans find it hard to visit Europe. But there is one great solution, you'll have a great time and even earn some Euros!Read on.........
ACLE is an Educational company that provides Italian students with fun and opportunity to learn the English language at their Summer Camps. They are recruiting enthusiastic, dependable, native English speakers to teach and work in English Camps throughout Italy. Summer Camps start in June 2008. City and Summer Camps are located all over Italy from North to South to name just a few of them: Rome, Milan, Bologna, Sicily, Pisa, Dolomites, Siena, Naples and many many more. All you need for this job is to be a Native English speaker and of course you got to love to work with kids, Italian language skills are not a must!

The ACLE program just upped wages to approximately €220-240 per week, depending on your experience and with some budgeting, you'll make enough money to actually afford the unique Europiean holidays this summer!


Facts about Italy: Rules For Venice Tourists

Facts about Italy presents Rules For Venice Tourists

North Italian city of Venice used to be a super romantic getaway. In year 2008 it's like being in grade school again! Why? Well the answer is very simple; because there are many new rules you'll have to follow when visiting Venice. Last few years there were some simple rules that everyone should obey such as: keeping your shirt on, or not having a picnic on St Mark's Square. If you didn't follow this rules you could get fined for $40. But right know, also feeding pigeons is banned!

Authorities in Venice are sick of all the damage that pigeons cause, not just from droppings, but also because birds peck at gaps in building facades. If you decide to feed the pigeons you'll be fined even more, than if you're showing your chest; you'll pay around $80.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Facts about Italy: Car Renting in Italy

Facts about Italy presents Rent a Car in Italy

If you really want to immerse yourself in the magical Italy then you'll definitely need to hit for the open road and take in the diversity of this amazing and astonishing country.If you decide to rent a car in Italy you'll provide yourself with a holidays of many different choices. It's one thing to take an organized trip and totally other, to rent a car in Italy.Just imagine how free you'll feel; you could explore the artistic secrets of Florence by yourself, then there is a charming Sicily in the south, the Alps, the eternal city of Rome, the stylish streets of Milan or the beautiful landscape of Tuscany.

If you decide to rent a car in Italy you'll enjoy the total independence and freedom! You'll stop in remote villages and meet the locals, the experience that no travel agency can provide. So if you're adventurous type of person, go ahead and rent a car while being in Italy, you won't regret it!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Facts about Italy: Is Pizza An Aphrodisiac?!

Facts about Italy presents Is Pizza An Aphrodisiac?!

Pizza ingredients might have aphrodisical effect!!?? Many of the pizza ingredients and sauces are known to have aphrodisical effect that stimulate the desire for having sex. Mushrooms, red peppers, green chilies, onions and tomatoes are on the top of the list. Many of us wouldn't agree with this statement however, in Italy, homeland of Pizza, a survey about aphrodisiacs was made recently.

And the results were very interesting: more than 22 percent of Italian girls included in this survey, named cheese as their favorite aphrodisiac and the second place was taken by the salami, as we all know both cheese and salami are almost "a must" ingredients of Pizza. And one more fact or better said myth; famous Italian lover, Casanova, once said that cheese and red wine have aphrodisiacal effects that "can restore an old love and ripen a new one."


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