Monday, May 19, 2008

Facts about Italy: Rules For Venice Tourists

Facts about Italy presents Rules For Venice Tourists

North Italian city of Venice used to be a super romantic getaway. In year 2008 it's like being in grade school again! Why? Well the answer is very simple; because there are many new rules you'll have to follow when visiting Venice. Last few years there were some simple rules that everyone should obey such as: keeping your shirt on, or not having a picnic on St Mark's Square. If you didn't follow this rules you could get fined for $40. But right know, also feeding pigeons is banned!

Authorities in Venice are sick of all the damage that pigeons cause, not just from droppings, but also because birds peck at gaps in building facades. If you decide to feed the pigeons you'll be fined even more, than if you're showing your chest; you'll pay around $80.

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